iptables-persistent (0.5.3) unstable; urgency=low
* [09d9ae] Check for loaded modules in postinst (Closes: #637852)
* [521544] Fix Default-Start and Default-Stop fields of the LSB header in
the init script. Thanks to Andreas Rütten (Closes: #650001)
* [d17b2f] Revert checking for loaded modules at startup, as this isn't
necessary in newer versions ip{,6}tables-restore - instead check that there
is a rules file to be loaded. Ensure at least ip{,6}table_filter is loaded
during save (Closes: #637796)
* [71aa52] Tidy formatting and spacing in iptables-persistent.init
* [3fe51a] Debconf translations to Spanish.
Thanks to Francisco Javier Cuadrado (Closes: #645523)
iptables-persistent (0.5.2) unstable; urgency=low
* [1019a3] Debconf translation to Japanese.
Thanks to Hideki Yamane (Closes: #626385)
* [a29b06] debian/po: refresh .po files
* [3780d5] Do not attempt to save or load rules if the appropriate module
is not loaded (Closes: #619626)
* [1c14c5] Do not include blank rules.* files; instead, simply remove them
on purge if they have been created (Closes: #612278)
* [ec6628] Implement 'flush' command to init script (Closes: #634368)
* [428b95] Standards version 3.9.2 (no changes)
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 12 Dec 2011 11:58:24 +0000