javascript-common (1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Marcelo Jorge Vieira ]
* Initial Release.
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Adding vcs fields in control.
* Adding myself as comaintainer.
* Removing some empty line seperators from maintainer scripts again
which I have added before.
* Rewrapping debhelper install file.
* Creating javascript directory through debhelper dirs file.
* Installing lintian override through debhelper install file.
* Simplyfing, rewrapping and improving language in README.Debian.
* Removing doublette of README.Debian.
* Rewriting and simplyfing maintainer scripts.
* Rewriting copyright in machine-interpretable format.
* Rewrapping package description.
* Removing shlibs depends, this package is arch all.
* Replacing cdbs based rules with plain debhelper.
* Bumping package to debhelper 6.
* Switching order of directory options to apache default.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 07 May 2008 10:34:25 +0100