laptop-detect (0.13.6ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #229596), remaining changes:
- lpia has dmidecode as well, update debian/control to reflect that
laptop-detect (0.13.6) unstable; urgency=low
* Add copyright information at debian/copyright
* Change package priority to optional. Closes: #478210
laptop-detect (0.13.5) unstable; urgency=low
[ Joey Hess ]
* Support the /sys power interface in 2.6.24. Closes: #463662
laptop-detect (0.13.4) unstable; urgency=low
* Bump standards-version to 3.7.3 (no changes required)
* Replace XS-VCS-* fields with the now supported VCS-* ones
laptop-detect (0.13.3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Thom May ]
* Remove myself from Maintainers/Uploaders
[ Otavio Salvador ]
* Applied patch from Sven Joachim <email address hidden> to hide modprobe
error messages. Closes: #438093
-- Tormod Volden <email address hidden> Mon, 12 May 2008 17:12:34 +0200