lcms (1.19.dfsg-1.2ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
* Resynchronize on Debian, remaining changes
* debian/control:
- Build depend on versionless libtiff-dev instead of libtiff4-dev
* src/cmslut.c: added NULL pointer check to prevent Ghostscript from
crashing on Apple-generated EPS files. (lp #787067)
lcms (1.19.dfsg-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Fix "static library in /usr/share":
debian/rules: re-enable removal of .a and .la files from the
python-liblcms packages (they get installed to dist-packages instead of
site-packages now).
(Closes: #684019)
* Fix "Please enabled hardened build flags":
debian/rules: apply updated patch from Moritz Muehlenhoff: use
dpkg-buildflags to get all *FLAGS.
(Release goal, closes: #654821)
* debian/liblcms1-dev.install: don't install not-dependend-on .la file
(Release goal)
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Tue, 06 Nov 2012 11:46:59 +0100