libdbd-pg-perl (1.49-5) unstable; urgency=low
[ Raphael Hertzog ]
* Put the team as Maintainer and move myself to Uploaders.
[ Damyan Ivanov ]
* Promote Homepage to a real header
* debian/watch - version=3
* debian/rules:
+ replace `pwd` with $(CURDIR), make with $(MAKE)
+ Remove unused hand-crafted patch routines
+ Remove unused dh_installdirs, dh_installmenu, dh_installcron, dh_link
and dh_installmanpages
libdbd-pg-perl (1.49-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Re-swap Maintainer and Uploaders; Raphael wants to be listed as
libdbd-pg-perl (1.49-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Raphael Hertzog ]
* Improved description. Closes: #406450
[ Joey Hess ]
* Maintainer and Uploaders seemed to be reversed/mixed up, swap.
* Add self to uploaders.
* Update to debhelper v5; use debian/compat.
* Don't ignore make realclean errors.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:05:33 +0100