libtk-img (1:1.3-release-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New maintainer Sergei Golovan (closes: #383652).
* New upstream release (it's labeled 1.3, so added -release suffix to the
upstream version).
* Install manual pages.
* Install HTML docs to /usr/share/doc/libtk-img/html
* Added debian/compat file instead of defining variable DH_COMPAT in
* Added colons to bug closing statements in debian/changelog.
* Link libjpegtcl, libpngtcl, libzlibtcl dynamically to libjpeg,
libpng and zlib respectively instead of building own static libraries.
* Updated libtiff to SVN version to make it possible to link libtifftcl
to current libtiff4 dynamically.
* Overridden lintian error message about outdated autotools helper files
because they aren't used for building the package.
* Do not install install.tcl (it isn't related to bug #221149).
* Fixed demo.tcl and tkv.tcl scripts to run by wish8.4 and not wish8.3
because libtk-img is built using tk8.4.
* Remove command, which is supposed to run test, from demo.tcl because
they aren't available.
* Added debian/watch uscan file.
* Fixed homepage in debian/copyright and added it to debian/control.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 15 May 2007 13:56:14 +0100