libxml-sax-perl (0.96+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Antonio Radici ]
* New upstream release
* debian/control:
+ Adding me to the uploaders
+ Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.0
+ dh compatibility >= 7
+ removed duplicate priority and section from the binary package
+ removed (>= 0.40) from quilt
* debian/libxml-sax-perl.([^(:?dirs)]) renamed to $1
* debian/rules
+ custom directives moved to proper files before refreshing to dh7
* debian/libpam-xml-perl.{links,install,examples,manpages}
* debian/clean
+ get-orig-source from the old rules
+ touch Makefile in clean target from the old rules
* debian/compat bumped to 7
* debian/README.Debian-source contents moved to debian/copyright
* debian/copyright:
+ upgrade to the new format
+ added info about and what we are excluding from the orig source
[ Franck Joncourt ]
* Replace uversionmangle by dversionmangle in debian/watch.
+ Refreshed the script.
+ This fixes the following lintian warning:\
[ gregor herrmann ]
* Add debian/README.source to document quilt usage, as required by
Debian Policy since 3.8.0.
* debian/control:
- switch Vcs-Browser field to ViewSVN
- add ${misc:Depends} to Depends: field
- mention module name in long description
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:02:44 +0100