livecd-rootfs (2.543) disco; urgency=medium
[ Cody Shepherd ]
* Ensure pre-seeded snaps are now published in the image manifests.
* Include grub efi packages in manifests for uefi images.
[ Aleksandr Bogdanov ]
* vagrant: disabling automatic console log file
[ Ćukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Avoid issues of hard-linking to a symbolic vmlinuz as this can lead to a
dangling symlink.
[ Steve Langasek ]
* Unconditionally set GRUB_FORCE_PARTUUID in cloud images; as of version
2.02+dfsg1-5ubuntu5 grub will automatically fall back to booting with an
initrd if one is available, so we can now always attempt initramfsless
boot for cloud images which almost always works and causes only minimal
increase in boot time for cases where it does not.
-- Steve Langasek <email address hidden> Fri, 02 Nov 2018 14:40:17 -0700