lxinput (0.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Daniel Baumann ]
* Removing useless whitespaces at EOL and EOF.
* Updating to debhelper version 8.
* Sorting build-depends.
* Wrapping build-depends.
* Updating to standards version 3.9.2.
* Updating vcs fields.
* Sorting depends.
* Making versioned depends on lxsession unversioned as it's
already fulfiled in stable.
* Completing and rewriting copyright file in machine
interpretable format.
* Removing debhelper docs file.
* Compacting watch file.
* Compacting rules file.
* Merging upstream version 0.3.0.
* Removing patch and autoreconf, not needed for upstream
version 0.3.0 anymore.
* Removing unused debhelper dirs file.
* Sorting overrides in rules chronologically.
* Adding comment why dh_auto_test is disabled due to missing from upstream tarball.
* Adding apport hook for Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives from
Julien Lavergne <email address hidden>.
* Avoid article in the beginning of the package short-description
to make lintian happy.
[ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ]
* Corrected reference to /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3 file.
* Merging upstream version 0.3.1: (Cloese: #555573)
- Correct ids in .ui file
- Add an option to compile with gtk3
- Add silent rules
- Add INSTALL file
- Use directly the .ui file
- Add optional entry when a program which change keymap is
installed (support only lxkeymap for now)
* Removing useless override_dh_auto_clean in rules file.
-- Julien Lavergne <email address hidden> Sat, 30 Jul 2011 22:18:32 +0800