monodevelop-python (2.5.92-1) experimental; urgency=low
* [430b1b5] Add a gbp.conf, so we can easily work in an Experimental branch.
* [1e04db4] Don't repack the upstream tarball - this isn't the dark ages.
* [773dd4d] Imported Upstream version 2.5.92
* [9f37b97] Use DebSrc 3.0's Quilt support, rather than Quilt directly.
* [7abc6d7] Bump expected version of MonoDevelop to 2.5.92 in autogenerated
* [308e702] Refresh build-dependencies.
* [d1401d9] Bump Debian Standards Version to 3.9.2.
* [5c6876b] Remove bizarre Enhances: line.
* [383162a] Refresh mono-csc patch.
monodevelop-python (2.4-3) experimental; urgency=low
* [0c96e8c] Add a gbp.conf, as we're building on a non-default branch
* [88d56d9] Clean up rules rule, thanks to DH's --with quilt
* [6b6e648] Play with dh_gencontrol manually to allow a mismatch
between the version of MonoDevelop and the addins.
* [e0ce316] Cement build-dependencies for debhelper and quilt, to
avoid Lintian autoreject
-- Jo Shields <email address hidden> Tue, 28 Jun 2011 19:21:55 +0100