mythtv (2:0.25.0~master.20120213.b4c909a-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
[ Mario Limonciello ]
* Update to pre-0.25 snapshot, post upstream feature freeze.
- See for changes in
0.25 (too many to list in debian/changelog).
* Drop opengl vsync support.
* Add new Tieresias fonts to mythtv-common.
* Drop mythvideo readme file.
* configure_mythplugins_without_mythtv_installed.patch: refresh.
* Add a new php-mythtv package for the newly developed php bindings.
* Don't include .gitignore files in the mythweb package.
* Add a depends on php-mythtv for mythweb.
* Correct php bindings install path (LP: #696724)
- add build depends on libcdio-dev for new UDF support.
* Add a depends on python-lxml (LP: #710709)
* Drop the disable XvMC flags. No longer necessary.
* Install the new hardware profile stuff in the common package.
* Refresh patches for changes upstream:
- default_directories
- allow_no_tuners
- configure_mythplugins_without_mythtv
* Install new HTML configuration content with mythbackend.
* Install new backend configuration content with mythbackend.
* Add build-deps on python-urlgrabber.
* Install mythmediaserver into mythtv-common
* Drop mythvideo package. Fully integrated into frontend package now.
* Drop references to mythvideo from debian/control.
* Move Jamu into backend (no longer tied to mythvideo). (LP: #797003)
* Fix mythvideo to be breaks/replaces. (LP: #797327)
* Remove jamu and all references to it. Now built into myth.
* Convert to using a rsyslog mechanism for log files. Thanks Michael
* Make /var/log/mythtv writable by the syslog user.
* Install rsyslog conf as 40-mythtv-rsyslog.conf instead of just
* Build with vaapi support.
* Build with --enable-libx264 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaac
* Build with --enable-libvpx support for VP8 video.
* Create a new "Streaming" storage group by default on the backend.
* Build depends on avahi for airtunes/airplay support.
* Build depends on libssl for crypto support in airtunes.
* Build depends on libcdio-cdda-dev for mythmusic.
* Update standards version.
* Add misc:depends for php-mythtv.
* Fix stronger-dependency-implies-weaker lintian error.
[ Pieter Hoekstra (pieter-hoekstra) ]
* Add missing space to debian/rules preventing some plugin installation.
[ Thomas Mashos ]
* Changed backend upstart job to look at NOT lo, instead of lo
-- Mario Limonciello <email address hidden> Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:20:58 -0600