nss-mdns (0.9-0.2ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/postinst: Automatically transition the dapper default hosts: line
'files dns mdns' to the recommended value, since dns before mdns is
inefficient, a DNS server DoS, and an information leak.
* Now ships libraries in /lib, not /usr/lib. (LP: #87207)
* Reapply debian/patches/00_dns_unaligned_access.patch; debian/rules does
not do this, and this got dropped in an earlier merge.
* debian/control: Set Ubuntu maintainer.
nss-mdns (0.9-0.2) unstable; urgency=high
* Non-maintainer upload to fix a RC bug.
* Configure with a prefix of / instead of /usr as libnss-mdns needs to be in
/lib for the resolver to work correctly during boot; this is also needed
for chrooted processes such as Postfix's smtpd which uses a copy of the
NSS libs as well of the NSS configuration and fails when mdns is missing
in the chroot but referenced in nsswitch.conf. Update other configured
dirs (mandir, infodir, sysconfdir) as well, but these are currently not
nss-mdns (0.9-0.1) unstable; urgency=high
* Non-maintainer upload to fix broken dependencies in the 0.8-6.1 NMU.
* Fix Depends on perl and avahi-daemon.
* Bump up dependency on avahi-daemon to >= 0.6.16-1 for the auto-disabling
functionality on sites with a .local SOA.
* New upstream release.
- Does not export unnecessary symbols and fixes segfault in nmbclient
which had symbols with the same name; closes: #404266.
- Does not use the "search" keyword of resolv.conf anymore;
closes: #404534, #405327.
* Re-add a postrm to cleanup the mdns_* entries from nsswitch.conf but act on
package removal instead of purge to avoid breaking the DNS when the lib is
removed and to ensure perl is still present; closes: #406198.
* Document the changes made to postinst in NOTES.Debian and document the
history of the postrm as well.
* Updates to README.Debian; add upstream URL for troubleshooting.
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Tue, 27 Feb 2007 16:54:20 +0100