nut (2.7.4-5ubuntu1) zesty; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes (LP: #1643618)
- debian/control:
+ remove Build-Depends on libpowerman0-dev
+ remove nut-powerman-pdu
- debian/nut-powerman-pdu.{install,manpages}: dropped for now
- debian/nut-{cgi,server}.postinst: fix 'adduser' logic to be
unconditional, since adduser is guaranteed to be idempotent.
- debian/, debian/{nut,nut-server,nut-client}.install,
debian/rules: Install apport hooks for all top-level nut packages.
- Disable systemd unit; it does not check nut.conf whether nut is
configured, and thus fails to start (and the package install). The
init.d script works well enough for the time being.
- debian/tests/
+ In the CVE_2012_2944 test, give nut at most 5 seconds to shut down,
instead of expecting it to be shut down immediately after sending the
+ Additional indication on how to run tests for oneiric, precise to
vivid and wily+
- debian/tests/control : Fix dep8 test failures:
+ Drop python-unit from dep8 dependencies since the python-test
package has now been removed. The unittest module has shipped with
Python since 2.1.
+ Add dep8 test dependency on python, since Python 2 is required and
is not necessarily installed by default any more.
* Dropped changes:
- Patch libtool.m4 and configure to support ppc64le. (Fixed upstream)
- Remove unnecessary chmod 755 on files introduced by previous merge,
assumed to be an error
- debian/patches/0006-ups-conf-maxretry.patch: documentation tweaks
(unnecessary Ubuntu delta). This was formerly listed as "Move maxretry
setting above Examples section" but no longer did this at all.
* Replace outdated indictions on how to run tests (Oneric, Precise, Vivid,
Wily+) with proper indications for current version (Xenial+)
nut (2.7.4-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/control: Build-depends against asciidoc-dblatex, Recommends are not
pulled automatically by the buildd (Closes: #851015)
nut (2.7.4-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/libnutclient0.symbols: Update the .symbols file, this should fix
the FTBFS (Closes: #835703)
* debian/nut-monitor.install: Install appdata file
nut (2.7.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/libnutclient0.symbols: Really add all the needed symbols (Closes:
nut (2.7.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/libnutclient0.symbols: Adjust .symbols file for arch specific C++
symbols (Thanks to pkgkde tools)
* Run wrap-and-sort
* debian/control: Add systemd to the build-dependencies, we need the
systemd.pc file to be installed during the build
nut (2.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Arnaud Quette ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #806255)
* debian/patches/series: remove 0007-killpower-path.patch
* debian/control: add new packages libnutclient0 and libnutclient-dev
* debian/rules: adapted for the new packages
* debian/libnutclient0.install, debian/libnutclient0.symbols,
debian/libnutclient-dev.install, debian/libnutclient-dev.manpages:
created for the new packages
[ Laurent Bigonville ]
* debian/gbp.conf: Switch back the branch to the "debian" one
* Drop d/p/0009-fix-favorites-permissions.patch, merged upstream
* d/p/0002-nut-monitor-paths.patch, d/p/0006-ups-conf-maxretry.patch:
* debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no further changes)
* debian/control: Add dh-python to the build-dependencies
* Bump debhelper compatibility to 9
* d/p/0009-fix-nutshutdown-install.patch: Install the nutshutdown script in
the correct path
* debian/nut-server.install: 52-nut-usbups.rules file has been renamed to
* debian/libnutclient0.symbols, debian/libupsclient4.symbols: Adjust the
.symbols files
* debian/control: Use https:// URL's in Vcs-* fields
* debian/nut-cgi.README.Debian: Fix typo
* debian/control: Fix the grammar in nut-ipmi long description
* Drop debian/ and debian/nut-monitor.xpm, not needed
anymore per tech-ctte decision #741573
* debian/rules: Enable hardening=+all
-- Louis Bouchard <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Dec 2016 15:30:05 +0100