nvidia-settings (173.14.09-1ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* Merge from unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/copyright: updated, add MIT license (cf. debian #494388).
- debian/rules, debian/nvidia-settings.desktop: install desktop file
(cf. debian #317993). Also add usr/share/applications to dirs.
- drop Recommends on nvidia-glx, instead the nvidia drivers will
recommend nvidia-settings.
- update build depends of xutils and xlibmesa-gl-dev.
- update debian/rules to clean also XF86Config-parser directory
(cf. debian: #494456).
- patch against src/gtk+-2.x/ctkwindow.c: solved upstream.
- separate package libxnvctrl-dev (caused a major diversion, not so
much nicer to keep it).
- updating standards-version
- debhelper bump (it should build fine with v4).
* debian/control:
- add Conflicts against libxnvctrl-dev, which is dropped with this
upload and used to contain the static library/header files that
are now found in nvidia-settings itself.
nvidia-settings (173.14.09-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
nvidia-settings (169.07-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
* reinclude nvctrl headers (closes: #434885)
* depend on nvidia-glx (169.07). there are legacy versions now too.
-- Stefan Potyra <email address hidden> Sat, 09 Aug 2008 22:33:28 +0200