openvpn (2.1.3-4ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
+ debian/openvpn.init.d:
- Do not use start-stop-daemon and </dev/null to avoid blocking boot.
- Show per-VPN result messages.
- Add "--script-security 2" by default for backwards compatabliity.
+ debian/control: Add lsb-base >= 3.2-14 to allow status_of_proc()
+ debian/update-resolv-conf: Support multiple domains.
openvpn (2.1.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated JuanJo's IPv6 patch. Now really fixes use from xinetd.
Thanks JuanJo & Christian Weinberger for testing it (Closes: #574164)
* Removed debian_openssl_vulnkeys.patch since we're Etch + 2 now.
(Closes: #484105, #487994)
openvpn (2.1.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated JuanJo's IPv6 patch.
Fixes use from xinetd (Closes: #574164)
* Patched update-resolv-conf to support multiple DNS search domains.
Thanks Jeremy Zawodny and Dave Walker for the patch.
(Closes: #617740)
* Added a note about bridge-utils helpers in README.Debian.
Thanks Sven Hoexter. (Closes: #599192)
* Updated Danish debconf templates. (Closes: #608425)
-- Chuck Short <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Mar 2011 23:28:26 +0000