orage ( intrepid; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
(LP: #183493, LP: #241036, LP: #242558)
- debian/control:
+ adhere to DebianMaintainerField
+ b-d on libdbus-glib-1-dev (>= 0.34) and libnotify-dev (>= 0.3.2)
- debian/patches:
+ drop 04_fix-default-location.patch, useless now
+ drop 05_prevent-multiple-windows.patch, useless now
+ debian/patches/xubuntu-fix-desktop-file.patch: add "OnlyShowIn=XFCE;"
and make desktop-file-validate happy.
orage ( unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
- buttons in confirmation dialog are in correct order. closes: #468867
- orage no longers open /usr/local/etc/zoneinfo. closes: #478963
- no selection of “week start day” anymore. closes: #482112
* debian/rules:
- call dh_desktop so the mime database gets updated.
- don't install our own manpage.
* debian/control:
- update standards version to 3.8.0.
* debian/patches:
- drop 01_tune-desktop-file, useless now.
- drop 02_fix-implicit-pointer-conversion, useless now.
- drop 03_de.po-typo, useless now.
* debian/orage.1 removed, since upstream now provides it.
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Wed, 23 Jul 2008 20:37:36 +0200