orage (4.7.5-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* Upload to natty (pkg-xfce svn r4642), remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control: add our Vcs-* fields
- debian/patches/xubuntu-fix-desktop-file.patch: add "OnlyShowIn=XFCE;"
and make desktop-file-validate happy.
* debian/patches/xubuntu-fix-desktop-file.patch: refreshed to apply cleanly.
* Bump xfce4-panel b-d to >= 4.7.0 to use the correct version.
orage (4.7.5-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Yves-Alexis Perez ]
* New upstream release.
* debian/control:
- update standards version to 3.9.1.
- add build-dep on libical-dev and libpopt-dev.
- add build-dep on xfce4-dev-tools and libtool.
- add build-dep on hardening-includes.
* debian/watch updated to track upstream repository reorganization.
* debian/rules:
- update configure flags.
- drop useless call to dh_desktop.
- run xdt-autogen after applying patches.
- pick {C,LD}FLAGS from dpkg-buildflags.
- add -O1, -z,defs and --as-needed to LDFLAGS.
- add hardening flags to {C,LD}FLAGS.
* debian/patches
- 01-dont-duplicate dropped.
- 01_fix-build-with-external-ical added, update includes to correctly pick
system libical.
- 02_explicit-link-libxfcegui4 added, link explicitly against libxfcegui4.
* debian/copyright updated to include complete text of BSD license.
* Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
[ Lionel Le Folgoc ]
* debian/rules: correctly clean autogenerated files modified by xdt-autogen.
* debian/patches:
- 03_fix-ftbfs-when-built-twice-in-a-row.patch: added, prevents the removal
of a file.
- series: refreshed.
* debian/control: add myself to Uploaders.
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Tue, 07 Dec 2010 21:04:24 +0100