osmosis (0.34+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* New upstream version
* debian/control:
- updated my e-mail address
- DMUA removed
- added missing Build-Dependencies: libcommons-compress-java,
- added pkg-osm to Uploaders
- Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.4, no changes needed
- rewrapped for easier diff'ing
- add alternative openjdk-6-jre dependency to java6-runtime
- add dependency on libplexus-classworlds-java, libcommons-codec-java
and libcommons-compress-java
* debian/rules:
- updated get-orig-source target to strip unwanted *.jar files
* debian/copyright updated
* debian/source/format added, using 3.0 (quilt)
* debian/patches/:
- 00-fix_build.patch added, fixes FTBFS because of missing file
in upstream tarball
- 01-fix_launcher.patch added, correctly point to the right paths
- 02-fix_plexus.patch added, fix Plexus configuration with the
right paths
* debian/osmosis.1 statically generated, so to remove unneeded
* debian/watch: use dversionmangle
* debian/install: install plexus.conf in /etc/osmosis/
[ Giovanni Mascellani ]
* debian/*: updated my email address
* debian/watch: updated to new upstream distribution location
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Sun, 09 May 2010 13:59:06 +0100