partman-basicfilesystems (97ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- If partman/automount is preseeded to true, automatically mount
partitions with usefully-mountable filesystems on subdirectories of
- Add minimal support for NTFS partitions using ntfs-3g.
- Mount FAT filesystems at boot (fstab pass 1).
- Mount FAT (other than EFI System Partitions) and NTFS with
umask=007,gid=46 (static group plugdev).
- When formatting over the top of an existing swap partition, preserve
its UUID to avoid leaving systems that use UUIDs in /etc/fstab without
- mount.d/basic: Close mount's fd 3 so that it doesn't inherit a debconf
file descriptor, to prevent log-output hanging when ntfs-3g is in use.
- Special case loopmounted filesystems as it's safer to format the
underlying file, not the device.
- Allow armel/omap to use FAT for /boot, since the problems with it can
be worked around while it's difficult to use anything else given uboot
- Disable existing swap partitions before formatting them.
partman-basicfilesystems (97) unstable; urgency=medium
* dosfstools has a good deal of Linux-specific code and isn't currently
buildable on non-Linux architectures, so we can't create or check FAT
filesystems on non-Linux without libparted, although we can mount
existing FAT filesystems. Make the dosfstools-udeb dependency
Linux-only, and disable relevant features at run-time when it is
unavailable (closes: #753964).
partman-basicfilesystems (96) unstable; urgency=low
[ Phillip Susi ]
* Remove reliance on libparted's filesystem handling (closes: #738922):
- Use only mkswap instead of parted to format swap, since this is no
longer supported in parted3.
- Remove parted-based swap checking, as there is no such thing as
fscking swap.
- Use dosfstools to format and check fat filesystems rather than
- Use mke2fs instead of libparted.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:06:56 +0100