partman-partitioning (37ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
[ Fabio M. Di Nitto ]
* Make sure to wipe disk label on sun disks before recreating a new one.
libparted did grow a C/H/S sanity check in disk_sun.c. While this is a sane
check to perform, parted_server doesn't understand the exception and fails
because it gets a wrong size of the disk when writing a new label.
Since we are in deep feature freeze, there is no time to make a proper fix
into parted_server (that needs to be propagated all the way and back to
the UI to handle it properly).
Make sure to wipe the first 512 bytes of the device once the user confirm
what really should be done so that libparted will initialize the label
properly and everything will work as it should.
-- Fabio M. Di Nitto <email address hidden> Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:40:24 +0100