pidgin (1:2.5.0-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* New upstream version (lp: #259453)
* debian/libpurple0.symbols:
- new version update
* debian/patches/00_debian-ca-certs.patch:
- not required in the new version there is a configure option
* debian/patches/02_manpage-desc.patch:
- the change is in the new version
* debian/patches/03_gconf-gstreamer.patch:
- the change is in the new version
* debian/patches/16_yahoo_icon_crash.patch:
- not required the new versions fixes the issue
* debian/patches/20_purple-remote_friendly.patch:
- the change is in the new version
* debian/patches/21_zephyr-external.patch:
- don't use debian change which doesn't apply to the new version
* debian/patches/75_occured-occurred.patch:
- the change is in the new version
* debian/rules:
- use new configure option to specificy ssl-certs directory
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Wed, 20 Aug 2008 16:09:04 +0200