psmisc (22.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- Changed fuser.1 so signal is SIGNAL to reduce confusion about wether
or not it is a parameter Closes: #517413
- fuser.1 references pkill(1) Closes: #517414
- Clarified -m and -c for fuser Closes: #467289
- Patch from Arnaud Giersch to fix udp ports in fuser Closes: #502208
- pstree man page mentions -Z may not be available Closes: #478327
- pstree handles UTF-8 lengths much better Closes: #413503
- killall says no process found when process not found Closes: #500097
- pstree makes a bigger buffer for -al flags Closes: #352603
- peekfd off by one problem in fds Closes: #460530
- oldfuser removed Closes: #502212
* Changed rules for for cross-build support Closes: #465226
* Updated copyright file Closes: #517410
* updated package description Closes: #485693
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 11 May 2009 12:08:03 +0100