pyxdg (0.18-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
* Merge from debian testing, remaining changes (LP: #509393):
- gettext-support.patch: Support X-GNOME-Gettext-Domain and
X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain fields in .desktop files, for dynamic
translation support (corresponding to our glib change).
pyxdg (0.18-1) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/control:
+ New maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team.
+ Add myself to Uploaders.
+ Add Vcs-{Svn,Browser} fields.
* Acknowledge previous NMUs.
* New upstream version (closes: #502233).
* Remove debian/patches/* (applied upstream).
* Switch to new source format: 3.0 (quilt).
* Switch to debhelper (>= 7):
+ debian/compat: bump to 7.
+ debian/rules: minimize.
+ debian/control: minimize Build-Depends.
+ debian/docs: add AUTHORS, README and TODO.
+ debian/examples: rename debian/python-xdg.examples.
* Remove debian/pycompat.
-- Artur Rona <email address hidden> Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:32:35 +0100