Change log for raphael package in Ubuntu

110 of 10 results
Published in mantic-release
Published in lunar-release
Published in kinetic-release
Deleted in kinetic-proposed (Reason: Moved to kinetic)
raphael (2.3.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * QA upload.
  * Use uglifyjs instead of deprecated node-uglify (Closes: #979937).
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0 (no changes needed).
  * Fix section: web -> javascript.

 -- Marc Dequènes (Duck) <email address hidden>  Sun, 24 Apr 2022 16:24:02 +0900

Available diffs

Superseded in kinetic-release
Published in jammy-release
Obsolete in impish-release
Obsolete in hirsute-release
Deleted in hirsute-proposed (Reason: moved to Release)
raphael (2.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Trim trailing whitespace.
  * Use secure URI in Homepage field.
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Name, Repository,
  * Fix day-of-week for changelog entry 2.1.0-1.

  [ Marc Dequènes (Duck) ]
  * QA upload.

 -- Marc Dequènes (Duck) <email address hidden>  Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:50:04 +0900

Available diffs

Superseded in hirsute-release
Obsolete in groovy-release
Deleted in groovy-proposed (Reason: moved to Release)
raphael (2.3.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * QA upload.
  * Fix watch file (Closes: #788574).
  * Also install the non-minified javascript (Closes: #874270).
  * Mark libjs-raphael as Multi-Arch foreign.

 -- Marc Dequènes (Duck) <email address hidden>  Wed, 12 Feb 2020 22:49:47 +0900
Superseded in groovy-release
Published in focal-release
Obsolete in eoan-release
Obsolete in disco-release
Obsolete in cosmic-release
Published in bionic-release
Obsolete in artful-release
Deleted in artful-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
raphael (2.1.0-1ubuntu2) artful; urgency=medium

  * d/links: produce the correct filename for raphael.min.js and symlink
    our previous incorrect name (raphael-min.js) to the fixed one for
    backwards compatibility reasons. (LP: #1576471)
  * d/README.Ubuntu: update its contents to reflect the current state
    of the package.
  * d/docs: actually install the README.Ubuntu file

 -- Andreas Hasenack <email address hidden>  Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:17:25 -0300

Available diffs

Superseded in artful-release
Obsolete in zesty-release
Obsolete in yakkety-release
Published in xenial-release
Obsolete in wily-release
Superseded in wily-release
Obsolete in vivid-release
Obsolete in utopic-release
Published in trusty-release
Obsolete in saucy-release
Obsolete in raring-release
Deleted in raring-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
raphael (2.1.0-1ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - debian/rules: Name raphael-min.js instead of raphael.min.js
    - Add raphael-min.js from upstream, instead of creating one with uglifyjs.
      This allows us to MIR raphael without pulling the Build-dep in uglifyjs,
      which in turns pulls another Dep.
      + debian/rules: Minimize raphael.js
      + debian/control: Depend on yui-compressor.
    - debian/README.Ubuntu: Denote Ubuntu changes.

Available diffs

Superseded in raring-release
Obsolete in quantal-release
raphael (2.1.0-0ubuntu4) quantal; urgency=low

  * debian/control: Drop Recommends on javascript-common in favor of
    making it a Suggests (LP: #1020278)
 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Tue, 11 Sep 2012 12:05:37 -0400

Available diffs

Superseded in quantal-release
Superseded in quantal-release
raphael (2.1.0-0ubuntu3) quantal; urgency=low

  * Minimize raphael.js instead of shipping a patch with the file. This time
    use yui-compressor instead of uglifyjs.
    - 01-ubuntu-add-raphael-min.patch: Drop.
    - debian/rules: Minimize raphael.js
    - debian/control: Depend on yui-compressor.
 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Tue, 03 Jul 2012 17:30:52 -0400

Available diffs

Superseded in quantal-release
raphael (2.1.0-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low

  * Add raphael-min.js from upstream, instead of creating one with uglifyjs.
    This allows us to MIR raphael without pulling the Build-dep in uglifyjs,
    which in turns pulls another Dep.
    - 01-ubuntu-add-raphael-min.patch: Added.
    - debian/control: Drop node-uglifyjs.
    - debian/rules: Drop creation/cleaning of raphael-min.js
    - debian/install: Install both js libraries.
  * debian/README.Ubuntu: updated.
 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Tue, 03 Jul 2012 16:42:13 -0400

Available diffs

Superseded in quantal-release
raphael (2.1.0-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #1015628)
  * debian/rules: Name raphael-min.js instead of raphael.min.js for uglifyjs
 -- Andres Rodriguez <email address hidden>   Wed, 20 Jun 2012 11:24:17 -0400
Superseded in quantal-release
Published in precise-release
raphael (2.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.

 -- Paolo Rotolo <email address hidden>  Sun, 20 Nov 2011 18:08:00 +0100
110 of 10 results