seahorse-plugins (2.30.1-3ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes: (LP: #701670)
- debian/control{.in}:
+ Replace Build-Depends intltool with libxml-parser-perl.
+ Add Vcs-Bzr link related to Ubuntu Desktop Team.
+ seahorse-plugins: Move seahorse from Depends to Recommends.
- debian/menu: Add menu file.
- debian/patches/01_ubuntu_keyserver.patch:
+ Added ubuntu keyserver to the defaults.
- debian/patches/02_copy_gpg_conf_skeleton.patch:
+ Copy gpg.conf skel instead of creating blank file.
- debian/patches/03_dont_crash_on_exit.patch:
+ Only clean up the socket dir on exit. Calling GConf functions
in the atexit handler is bad, as it conflicts with a handler
registered inside liborbit, leading to a crash.
- debian/rules:
+ Remove DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_seahorse-plugins.
+ Rename 60seahorse to 60seahorse-plugins.
+ Remove mime-type catalog, seahorse source package related.
- debian/seahorse{-preferences.1, .Xsession, -plugins.manpages}:
+ Remove due to related with seahorse source package.
- debian/seahorse-plugins.Xsession:
+ Start the seahorse-agent. Replaces debian/seahorse.Xsession.
* debian/copyright: Restore from Debian. seahorse-plugins source
has been uploaded in Debian after our initial upload.
* debian/patches/06_gpgme_check_version.patch:
- Dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/rules: Drop quilt, Debian has switched to 3.0 source format.
* debian/watch: Restore from Debian. There is no point to keep
change longer.
-- Artur Rona <email address hidden> Tue, 11 Jan 2011 15:13:36 +0100