smartmontools (5.39.1+svn3077-1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #599374), remaining changes:
- Don't warn about being disabled unless verbose
smartmontools (5.39.1+svn3077-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [ffe62ea] Removed powersaved from Suggests (Closes: #570956)
* [7f0798e] Imported Upstream version 5.39.1+svn3077 (Closes: #575435)
* [b1b3452] Enabled drivedb, savestates, and attributelog
* [9f28fd4] Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
* [52be6ce] Updated to Standards-Version 3.8.4, no changes needed
smartmontools (5.39.1+svn3060-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [a23d511] Imported Upstream version 5.39.1+svn3060
- A regression caused by capabilities was fixed. (Closes: #564876)
* [89c9890] Removed patches merged in upstream
smartmontools (5.39-3) unstable; urgency=low
* [3d32778] Fixed quietmode option (Closes: #545784)
* [e66f4fd] Allow smartd 'DEVICESCAN -d sat' (Closes: #546566)
smartmontools (5.39-2) unstable; urgency=low
* [f7f4c51] Fixed crash on kfreebsd. (Closes: #561113) - thanks to
Petr Salinger and Axel Beckert
smartmontools (5.39-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [e9e8c2b] Imported Upstream version 5.39
* [b00706e] Adeed libusb2-dev for kfreebsd in Build-Depends.
(Closes: #560241)
smartmontools (5.38+svn2993-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [bed9426] Imported Upstream version 5.38+svn2993
* [4a5d1d1] Fixed status action in init script (LP: #491324)
* [9dd2a1d] Add selinux for avr32 in build-depends
* [26ec4bc] Refreshed patches
smartmontools (5.38+svn2956-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [283f281] Updated my email address and removed DM-Upload-Allowed
control field
* [eb07ddf] Imported Upstream version 5.38+svn2956
+ Added a note in smartctl (8) about 2^16 wrap of LifeTime value in
Self-test log. (Closes: #535298)
* [ed382e8] Refreshed patches
* [f4ff277] Updated lowcap patch, make capabilities optional and
clarify that mail notification could not work when used. (Closes:
* [a7e19a3] Do not Build-depends in libcap-ng-dev in armel, libcap-ng
is broken in this arch. (Closes: #548438)
smartmontools (5.38+svn2920-2) unstable; urgency=low
* [a117ede] Enable Selinux only in linux platforms
smartmontools (5.38+svn2920-1) unstable; urgency=low
* [a94eb83] run.d/10mail: Do not exit silently if /usr/bin/mail is
missing (Closes: #541192) - thanks to Francesco Potorti`
* [0197215] Enabled SELinux support
* [091eb3a] debian/smartmontools-bug: Fixed a spelling error (Closes:
#547197) - thanks to Sandro Tosi
* [5496574] Imported Upstream version 5.38+svn2920
* [5d593fa] Removed patches merged in upstream: 64_r2898.patch,
smartmontools (5.38+svn2879-4) unstable; urgency=low
* [af11f9b] debian/patches/65_freebsd.patch: The os_freebsd.cpp uses
reallocf(), which is specific for *BSD libc. Added an implementation
directly into os_freebsd.cpp - thanks to Petr Salinger
* [b2a680f] debian/watch: Removed uupdate
* [4fe54cf] Do not Build-depends on libcap-ng-dev on avr32
smartmontools (5.38+svn2879-3) unstable; urgency=low
* [1b75411] Freebsd patch was not entirely merged in upstream. Applied
remaining changes and try to fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (Closes: #537856)
smartmontools (5.38+svn2879-2) unstable; urgency=low
* [51c0fd9] Build-depends on libcap-ng-dev only on linux. - thanks to
Petr Salinger
* [94843b0] Fixed Vcs-Browser field
* [c2d3bf4] Do not Build-depends on libcap-ng-dev on sparc
* [27a32a3] Dereference '/dev/disk/by-*/*' symlink before device type
autodetection. (Closes: #544823)
smartmontools (5.38+svn2879-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Guido Günther ]
* [d5c8d71] suggest graphical helpers (Closes: #524752)
* [b11b96e] support status action in init script (Closes: #525196) -
thanks to Peter Eisentraut
* [b092558] fix Vcs-Browser URL
[ Giuseppe Iuculano ]
* [101b745] New maintainers, thanks to Guido Günther for the prior
work on smartmontools. (Closes: #543861)
* [35bece3] debian/rules: Added a get-orig-source target to retrieve a
svn snapshot
* [4482c05] Bump to debhelper 7 compatibility levels
* [2127e19] Imported Upstream version 5.38+svn2879
- Fixed FTBFS (Closes: #539430)
- GNU/kFreeBSD patches merged in upstream (Closes: #537856)
- More drives recognized: Fujitsu MHW2 BJ series, WD Caviar Black family,
Western Digital AV-GP series, Transcend Solid-State Drive and Transcend
Solid-State Drive V series, Seagate Momentus 5400.5 series.
* [6052436] Refreshed patches
* [91ad575] move badblockhowto.html in debian/ (Closes: #538631)
* [bbdf8c9] debian/control: Depend on lsb >= 3.2-14, which has the
status_of_proc() function.
* [9afe5af] Removed stop links from rc0 and rc6 (Closes: #494951) -
thanks to James Westby
* [6dcd8ec] Updated to standards version 3.8.3 (No changes needed)
* [608687b] debian/rules: Use dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k
* [a52f90d] debian/rules: Do not ignore make clean errors
* [31e40f7] debian/rules: use dh_install to install files
* [9ca7a79] debian/control: Added Florian Maier in Uploaders, fixed
VCS field, added DM-Upload-Allowed field
* [d494f00] Updated debian/badblockhowto.html (Closes: #540359) -
thanks to Francesco Potorti`
* [3db595a] Use the `-n standby' option by default in smartd.conf
(Closes: #531325)
* [52b4501] Added /etc/smartmontools/run.d/10powersave-notify to
enable desktop notification over powersave-notify and added
powersaved in Recommends
* [0dcf301] debian/patches/62_lowcap.patch: Drop all unnecessary
* [5afdd10] Added the removable option by default. This indicates to
smartd that it should continue if the device does not appear to be
present when smartd is started. (Closes: #406130)
-- Stefano Rivera <email address hidden> Tue, 29 Jun 2010 09:44:50 +0200