software-center (5.1.4) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* lp:~brendan-donegan/software-center/test_debfileapplication,
- merged with some small tweaks to do basic tests for the
DebFileApplication class, thanks to Brendan Donegan
* data/
- add new "Books & Magazines" Category (LP: #903775)
* add support for the scagent "Support Website" feature
* lp:~mvo/software-center/performance-probes,
- improve accuracy of startup time measurement and add "probe"
points to make profiling easier
* lp:~mvo/software-center/purchaseviewspinner2:
- add a spinner to the purchaseview both when new windows
are opened and in the global toolbar
* softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/dialogs/
- trivial fix to increase the size of the expanded details
in the message dialog
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug880757:
- Mark strings containing the “ character as Unicode, to fix their
translations. LP: #880757
* lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug869935:
- Update help translations from Launchpad. LP: #869935
* lp:~kelemeng/software-center/bug868971:
- Add a translator comment to the 'Top Rated %s' string, name the
variable. LP: #868971
[ Gary Lasker ]
* lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/catalog-published-date-lp803028:
- add date_published value from the software-center-agent server
for use with cataloged time so that for-purchase items appear
correctly and in the proper order in What's New; include unit
tests for the new functionality (LP: #803028, LP: #886698)
[ Robert Roth ]
* lp:~evfool/software-center/lp905082:
- fix typo LP: #905082
[ Giovanni Campagna ]
* lp:~gcampax/software-center/fedora:
- add fedora distro backend and some cleanup in the PackageKit code
and improvements to the AppStream xml parser
-- Michael Vogt <email address hidden> Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:52:32 +0100