software-store (0.3.1) karmic; urgency=low
* softwarestore/, softwarestore/view/
- send pkgname instead of apt.Package object in the selected
signal (LP: #427157)
* softwarestore/view/
- Show installed software in the "Get Free Software" pane
as well (as the spec says) LP: #427014
* softwarestore/view/
- log icon_load errors only in loglevel DEBUG to avoid
noise on the console
* softwarestore/view/
- grab focus when clear icon is clicked (LP: #421552)
* data/ui/SoftwareStore.ui:
- adjust default size so that all icons fit into the
window in a english locale (thanks to mac_v)
* updated icon (LP: #427279)
* properly update the current app list (ensure installed emblems
are good) if the cache is re-opened
* when the cache is refreshed, ensure that the scrolled position
is kept
-- Michael Vogt <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:13:57 +0200