sugar-toolkit (0.82.11-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add patch 0000 (and drop patch 0001) to sync with upstream stable
+ Update urdu (ur), russian (ru) and tyrkish (tr) translations
+ sanity-check bundle root; don't delete install_root on failure
+ Set the correct locale path for system activities
* Limit watch file to track stable 0.82 branch.
* Update CDBS snippets:
+ Simplify internal variables
+ Ignore no files by default in
+ Correct and update copyright hints of the snippets themselves
* Update debian/copyright and copyright hints:
+ Add info on CDBS snippets (new owners, no new licenses)
+ Bump to version 420 of new format (no structural changes)
+ Add sugar-devel mailinglist as upstream maintainer.
+ Update upstream source URLs.
+ Refer to LGPL as "GNU Library..." (not Lesser).
+ Refer to "Debian GNU systems" (not only GNU/Linux).
* Set urgency=medium due to install_root removal fix.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:45:52 +0000