tex-common (1.11) unstable; urgency=medium
* bump version of tex-common packages built with dh_installtex to 1.10
since it is the version that removes the tetex part (see #466036) [np]
* And Conflict with tetex-base (<< 2007), in order to force a /complete/
transition to texlive in lenny (closes #467330). At the same time,
drop the conflict with tetex-bin, since tetex-base already does
that. However, when and if we remove the tetex-base package, we need
to find a different solution for this [fk]
* These two changes fix RC bugs, hence the urgency [fk]
* Another update run for debconf translations [hilmar-guest]
- Vietnamese (Closes: #453780)
* change the definition of TEXFORMATS to prohibit the finding of wrong
formats (and be in sync with upstream TeX Live), and remove the trailing
// of MFBASES and MPMEMS. [np]
* update po files [np]
* bump standards version to 3.7.3, no changes necessary [np]
* move the build stuff to binary-indep, the package is arch=all [np]
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Fri, 02 May 2008 02:27:24 +0100