tinyproxy (1.6.3-3.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Note the Debian revision has been bumped to -3.2 instead of -2.2 to
ease Ubuntu synchronisation, as they mistakenly uploaded -3 some time ago.
* Bump debhelper requirement to 7 and add quilt to Build-Depends.
* Move to debhelper compat level 7.
* Cleanup rules a bit for debhelper v7.
* Move patches to upstream code to log_format_string_fix.patch,
scanner_debug_removal.patch and 99_autoreconf.patch.
* Remove apparently old and unused patches debian/logfile.patch and
* Make logrotate script restart tinyproxy only if it appears to be
running (closes: #369787). A better fix would be to improve the init
script adding a "try-restart" option, though.
* Apply patch from Christoph Biedl to allow tinyproxy to remove its pidfile
when shutting down, so the logrotate change actually works. This changes
the pidfile location to /var/run/tinyproxy.
* Add "Short-Description" and "Description" headers to the init script.
* Fix a typo in debian/rules so config.log gets removed on clean.
* Remove libtool and doc/ on clean, and fix the rule as suggested
by lintian.
* Copy upstream's default conffile as debian/tinyproxy.conf and install
that one in the package.
* Disable non-localhost access by default, while adding commented entries
for all private network ranges (closes: #387721, #393236).
* Install example configuration file in /usr/share/doc/tinyproxy/examples.
* Remove obsolete debian/conffiles.
* Fix reference to conffile location in README.Debian (closes: #417338).
* Pass --enable-filter --enable-transparent-proxy --enable-upstream
to configure to explicitly enable some missing features.
(closes: #400931, LP #42598).
* Add doc/filter-howto.txt to installed documentation.
* Remove postinst and prerm script, which were used to fix an upgrade bug
6 years ago.
* Update upstream url in debian/copyright, and add a Homepage field to
* Extend copyright so it contains all the required information.
* Add a Debian.source document with notes about quilt usage to obtain
patched code.
* Add a watch file.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Nov 2008 18:01:50 +0000