ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 138 source package in Ubuntu


ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (138) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Update translations from Launchpad (LP: #1767048).

 -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 Apr 2018 12:10:55 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Colin Watson
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Original maintainer:
Ubiquity Slideshow
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Bionic release main x11


Bionic: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu_138.tar.xz 20.7 MiB 3ef6ebe9fe1a8c6c74cd5f8e35338552f2600b9baedf88da568ff203e9a0b2de
ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu_138.dsc 2.6 KiB 41f16794289448baeca25fc97a20b99d40f848441e22453d409f89fa3846fca7

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu: OEM slideshow for Ubuntu

 A slideshow intended for the post-OEM-install configuration, designed
 as a quick introduction to Ubuntu.

oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu-budgie: OEM slideshow for Ubuntu Budgie

 A slideshow intended for the post-OEM-install configuration, designed
 as a quick introduction to Ubuntu Budgie.

oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu-mate: OEM slideshow for Ubuntu MATE

 A slideshow intended for the post-OEM-install configuration, designed
 as a quick introduction to Ubuntu MATE.

ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu: Ubiquity slideshow for Edubuntu

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
  introduction to Edubuntu.

ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu: Ubiquity slideshow for Kubuntu

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Kubuntu.

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 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Lubuntu.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Ubiquity slideshow for Ubuntu

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Ubuntu.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-budgie: Ubiquity slideshow for Ubuntu Budgie

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Ubuntu Budgie.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-mate: No summary available for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-mate in ubuntu cosmic.

No description available for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-mate in ubuntu cosmic.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntukylin: Ubiquity slideshow for Ubuntu Kylin

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Ubuntu Kylin.

ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio: Ubiquity slideshow for Ubuntu Studio

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
  introduction to Ubuntu Studio.

ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu: Ubiquity slideshow for Xubuntu

 A slideshow intended for the Ubiquity installer, designed as a quick
 introduction to Xubuntu.