ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.10.0) yakkety; urgency=medium
[ Martin Wimpress ]
+ Update all Yakkety compatible applications.
+ Fix SpiderOAK One for Xenial and Yakkety.
+ Add Atom.
+ Add Clementine.
+ Enable Nuvola Player for Xenial.
+ Enable VirtualBox for Xenial.
+ Enable OBS Studio for Xenial.
+ Enable Subsurface for Xenial.
+ Disable ownCloud Client.
+ Update translations.
[ Luke Horwell ]
+ Ported to WebKit 2.
+ Internal restructure changes, reorganisation and cleaning up.
+ Fix i18n translations.
+ Slightly faster launch speeds with one Apt.Cache() object.
+ Update a partitioning screenshot.
+ Use a abstract "flat" background.
+ Much, much improved scroll bar integration.
+ Update introduction page's animations.
+ Green borders around buttons on click and hover.
+ New 16.10 Splash screen (including the one used for the Boutique).
+ Rename DVD library.
+ Uses new Entroware Orion model laptop image.
+ Remove obsolete or unused files.
+ Add a script to quickly test translations.
+ Update parameters (-b, --boutique and --dev)
+ Getting Started
- Keyboard Shortcuts - New "Tux" Super Key illustration and description.
- Keyboard Shortcuts -New mouse icons to illustrate clicks and movement.
- Optional Tasks - Add about setting up file shares.
+ Bug Fix - Correct i18n path.
+ Boutique
- Add Boutique news.
- Add application search.
- Show apt instead of apt-get for terminal commands.
- Use new 2016 VirtualBox signing key.
-- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden> Fri, 20 May 2016 23:36:21 +0100