vim-scripts (20180807ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- debian/control: Update the description to give a better indication of
what's included in the package.
* Dropped changes:
- Dropped additions of aspell and ispell to Suggests, since they were for a
plugin that's no longer included.
- Dropped addition of exuberant-ctags from Suggests, since Debian now includes
ctags (which is provided by exuberant-ctags).
vim-scripts (20180807) unstable; urgency=medium
* Updated addons:
- surround: Updated to 2.1
- supertab: Updated to 2.1
- tetris: Update to 0.53
- bufexplorer: Update to 7.4.19
- gnupg: Update to 2.6.1
* Correct documentation of license for taglist. (Closes: #765651)
* control:
+ Change maintainer email to <email address hidden>
+ Change Vcs-* URLs to
+ Add ctags to Suggests since the taglist plugin uses it. (Closes:
+ Remove Michael Piefel from Maintainers. Thanks for all the help!
* Bump debhelper compat to 10 (since cdbs isn't compatible with 11 yet)
* Add support for control.tar.xz and control.tar to debPlugin. Based on a
patch from Guillem Jover. (Closes: #756417)
* control:
+ Set Rules-Requires-Root: no
+ Declare compliance with Policy 4.2.0
-- Logan Rosen <email address hidden> Sat, 01 Dec 2018 16:48:23 -0500