x11-xserver-utils (7.4+1) experimental; urgency=low
* Add support for parallel=n in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, and for actually building
the apps in parallel. Install is still sequential, at least for now.
* rgb 1.0.3.
* Update debian/copyright from rgb's COPYING.
* sessreg 1.0.4.
* Add sessreg copyright and license to debian/copyright, from sessreg's
* xrandr
* Drop all xrandr patches (included upstream).
* Refresh 01_sessreg_implement_hostname_hashing.diff.
* Bump libxrandr-dev build-dep to 2:
* Drop -1 debian revisions from build-deps to make lintian happy.
* Sanitize order of dh_installdeb, dh_shlibdeps and dh_makeshlibs in
debian/rules binary-arch (thanks, lintian!).
* Add Suggests on nickle and cairo-5c for the new xkeystone script.
-- Bryce Harrington <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Feb 2009 19:13:04 +0000