xbatt (1.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=high
* QA upload
* High-urgency upload for RC bugfix
* Update for the Xorg 7.0 transition: rebuild with new imake to get
FHS-compliant install paths
* Update the menu file likewise to look in /usr/bin instead of
/usr/X11R6/bin, and build-depend accordingly on xutils-dev to ensure
we're using a compatible imake.
xbatt (1.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
* QA upload
* Change build depends on libxaw8-dev to libxaw7-dev to comply with XSF
xbatt (1.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
* QA upload.
* Package is orphaned (#353622); set maintainer to Debian QA Group.
* Acknowledge NMU. Closes: #346790.
* Link against libxaw8.
* Switch to debhelper 5.
* Replace ad-hoc patch system with dpatch.
* debian/menu: Add quotes to placate Lintian.
* debian/rules: Add support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt.
* debian/watch: Add.
* debian/xbatt.1x: Include upstream author.
* Conforms to Standards version 3.6.2.
xbatt (1.2.1-2.1) unstable; urgency=high
* Non-maintainer upload.
* High-urgency upload for RC bugfix.
* Build-depend on libxext-dev, libxkbfile-dev, libxpm-dev, and libxt-dev
instead of the obsolete xlibs-dev; thanks to Justin Pryzby
<email address hidden> for testing. Closes: #346790.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Jun 2006 16:13:11 +0100