xdg-utils (1.0.2+cvs20100307-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Make a new upstream release from CVS.
- Make xdg-open's open_generic() check for URLs before trying to open them
with non-browsers. Closes: #571557.
xdg-utils (1.0.2+cvs20100223-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Make a new upstream release from CVS.
- Add gvfs-copy and gvfs-info support. Closes: 479578.
- Add email attachments support to Thunderbird from xdg-email.
Closes: #531850.
- Add KDE 4 support to xdg-email. Closes: #555212.
- Add dbus commands to xdg-screensaver for KDE 4. Closes: #557104.
[ Per Olofsson ]
* Use source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Use dh override rules in debian/rules. Build-dep on debhelper 7.4.15.
* Add ${misc:Depends} to make lintian happy.
* Ack NMU. Closes: #508125.
* Bump standards-version to 3.8.4. No changes.
* Update Suggests to refer to GVfs and KDE4 packages for opening
files, etc.
* Remove libgtk2.0-bin and desktop-file-utils from Suggests. They are
not interesting for users and are usually installed anyway.
* Both kdebase-runtime and exo-utils are pretty much guaranteed to be
installed if KDE or Xfce is installed. So don't suggest those. Keep
gvfs-bin, however.
* mimeopen doesn't work as it should, so don't use it.
[ Fathi Boudra ]
* Add myself to Uploaders field.
* Remove debian/postinst and debian/postrm: they are not required.
Closes: 566165.
* Add xdg-settings to xdg-utils description.
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Wed, 26 May 2010 22:14:29 +0100