xf86-input-wacom (1:0.10.3+20100109-1ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Bump the epoch because of old Ubuntu packaging.
- control: Bump the epoch and version on Replaces/Conflicts.
xf86-input-wacom (0.10.3+20100109-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream snapshot, now supports server/udev among many fixes.
* xsetwacom is back from the dead again.
* Push our udev rules down to run after 65-xorg-evdev.rules
xf86-input-wacom (0.10.2+20091203-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Pull a new upstream snapshot with some fixes for button issues, and more.
* Add the udev rules back, tweaked for post-hal hotplugging support with X.
* Add build-deps for x11proto-kb-dev, libxkbfile-dev. The new upstream now
#includes xorg/xkbstr.h from xserver-xorg-dev, which in current Sid then
in turn #includes X11/extensions/XKB.h and X11/extensions/XKBproto.h from
x11proto-kb-dev and X11/extensions/XKMformat.h from libxkbfile-dev.
xf86-input-wacom (0.10.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* The Great Leap Forward.
* Restructure the package to only contain the Xorg driver.
The kernel driver has been regularly merged with mainline for quite some
time already, and the Xorg driver is moving closer to upstream now too,
so we can drop any pretense of this still being an agglomeration of things
or of needing to be one, and simply tack the packaging needed for X onto a
real git repo. Anything else can go in its own package and/or repo.
-- Timo Aaltonen <email address hidden> Thu, 21 Jan 2010 17:45:03 +0200