xtide (2.9.3-3ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian (LP: #164706). Remaining changes:
- Add desktop file:
+ add xtide.desktop file in debian/
+ add desktop file installation in debian/rules
+ add dh_desktop call in debian/rules
- Created new icon for xtide:
+ add sharutils Depends in debian/control
+ add icons.tar.uu in debian/
+ add icon installation in build, clean and binary-arch targets in
+ add dh_icons call for icon registration in debian/rules
+ add icon copyright in debian/copyright
- debian/control: set Ubuntu maintainer address, set Homepage
field according to recent policy
- Reorganize /usr/share/xtide to better accommodate for
extra harmonics and shoreline data.
- debian/xtide.dirs: move creation of directories from rules to here.
- debian/compat: create this file, DH_COMPAT setting removed from rules,
to satisfy lintian.
- debian/rules: clean rule modified to satisfy lintian
xtide (2.9.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Brown paper bag upload. Had built locally with a local library and
created an impossible to-fill dependency.
xtide (2.9.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Build with --with-xttpd-group=nogroup option to fix xttpd.
xtide (2.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release (Closes: #377368).
* Bug fix: "xtide: FTBFS if built twice in a row", thanks to Martin
Zobel-Helas (Closes: #424099).
-- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden> Sat, 24 Nov 2007 17:17:32 +0100