Change logs for activity-log-manager source package in Artful
activity-log-manager (0.9.7-0ubuntu26) artful; urgency=medium * Add 22_build_with_vala36.patch: - Fix build with vala 0.36 * debian/control: - Build-Depend on vala >= 0.36, needed for the patch -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden> Sat, 17 Jun 2017 20:04:00 -0400
activity-log-manager (0.9.7-0ubuntu25) zesty; urgency=medium * debian/patches/21_clear_history_calendars.patch: - Fix calendars not working when selecting date range to clear (LP: #1303508) -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden> Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:56:02 +1300