Change logs for gnulib source package in Artful

  • gnulib (20140202+stable-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * New package: git-merge-changelog (Closes: #646013).
      * Thanks to Samuel Bronson <email address hidden> for
        the git-merge-changelog patches:
        + debian/ changes for git-merge-changelog.
        + Don't hardcode gnulib directory in 01-gnulib-directory.patch.
          Instead, install gnulib-tool into the gnulib directory and symlink to
          it from /usr/bin, like the docs say to do.
        + Bump debhelper compat level to 9 for hardening flags.
      * Man page for git-merge-changelog adapted
        from comments at the top of git-merge-changelog.c
      * Remove duplicate copies of documentation (Closes: #728933).
      * Tweak list of top-level files installed.
      * doc-base: add Format: Info version of manual.
     -- Ian Beckwith <email address hidden>  Sun, 02 Mar 2014 23:04:10 +0000