kphotoalbum (5.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* New upstream release.
* Update watch file.
* Update the build dependencies following the port to Frameworks:
- remove libkdcraw-dev
- add extra-cmake-modules, qtbase5-dev, libphonon4qt5-dev,
libkf5archive-dev, libkf5completion-dev, libkf5config-dev,
libkf5coreaddons-dev, libkf5doctools-dev, libkf5i18n-dev,
libkf5iconthemes-dev, libkf5jobwidgets-dev, libkf5kio-dev,
libkf5textwidgets-dev, libkf5widgetsaddons-dev, libkf5xmlgui-dev,
libkf5kdcraw-dev, libkf5kgeomap-dev, and libkf5kipi-dev
* Use the right dh addon:
- switch from kde to kf5 dh addon
- bump the pkg-kde-tools build dependency to >= 0.15.16
* Update the runtime dependencies/recommends:
- replace libqt4-sql-sqlite with libqt5sql5-sqlite
- replace khelpcenter4 with khelpcenter
* Manually add libqt5webkit5-dev, and libmarble-dev as build dependencies,
to workaround the missing dependencies in libkf5kgeomap-dev.
* Bump the cmake build dependency to 3.1, as indicated in the upstream
build system.
* Since the KIPI support is back, add kipi-plugins as recommend again.
-- Pino Toscano <email address hidden> Sun, 18 Jun 2017 11:09:45 +0200