celery (4.0.2-0ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium
* New upstream release (4.0.2)
- Refresh patches
- d/control: add b-d on python3-sphinx-celery (docs),
python{,3}-pytest (tests), python{,3}-case (tests) and
python{,3}-eventlet (tests).
- d/control: build docs with python3 sphinx
- debian/patches/fix_endless_python3.6_loop_logger_isa.patch: Fix
endless loop in logger_isa (Python 3.6). Thanks to George
Psarakis <email address hidden>.
- d/: celery 4.0+ has removed deprecated command-line programs:
+ celeryd, celerybeat, celeryd-multi are replaced by 'celery
worker', 'celery beat' and 'celery multi', respectively
- d/t/upstream: tests are now run with pytest
* Drop:
- Patches that no longer apply:
+ d/p/drop_downgrade.patch
+ d/p/intersphinx.patch
+ d/p/disable_unstable_tests.patch
+ d/p/0006-ci-Tests-passing-on-Python-3.5.patch
+ d/p/0008-Remove-bashisms-from-initd-scripts.patch
-- Nishanth Aravamudan <email address hidden> Tue, 13 Jun 2017 15:05:10 -0700