texlive-pictures 2017.20180110-1 (amd64 binary) in ubuntu bionic
Including TikZ, pict, etc., but MetaPost and PStricks are separate.
This package includes the following CTAN packages:
aobs-tikz -- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
askmaps -- Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures
asypictureb -- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX
bardiag -- LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams
beamerswitch -- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
binarytree -- Drawing binary trees using TikZ
blochsphere -- Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
bloques -- Generate control diagrams
blox -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
bodegraph -- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
bondgraph -- Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents
bondgraphs -- Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
braids -- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
bxeepic -- Eepic facilities using pict2e
cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics
callouts -- Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture
celtic -- A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots
chemfig -- Draw molecules with easy syntax
combinedgraphics -- Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations
circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ
curve -- A class for making curriculum vitae
curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e
curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment
dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents
diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e
doc-pictex -- A summary list of PicTeX documentation
dottex -- Use dot code in LaTeX
dot2texi -- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool
dratex -- General drawing macros
drs -- Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
duotenzor -- Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams
dynkin-diagrams -- Draws Dynkin diagrams
ecgdraw -- draws electrocardiograms (ECG)
eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools
ellipse -- Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e
picture environment
endofproofwd -- An "end of proof" sign
epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
esk -- Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources
fast-diagram -- Easy generation of FAST diagrams
fig4latex -- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents
fitbox -- Fit graphics on a page
flowchart -- Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ
forest -- Drawing (linguistic) trees
genealogytree -- Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
getmap -- Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
gincltex -- Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for
gnuplottex -- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
gradientframe -- Simple gradient frames around objects
grafcet -- Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ
graphviz -- Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents
gtrlib-largetrees -- Library for genealogytree package aiming at large trees
harveyballs -- Create Harvey Balls using TikZ
here -- Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
hf-tikz -- A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts
hobby -- An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ
hvfloat -- Rotating caption and object of floats independently
istgame -- Drawing Game Trees with TikZ
knitting -- Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
knittingpattern -- Create knitting patterns
ladder -- Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ
lapdf -- PDF drawing directly in TeX documents
latex-make -- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
lpic -- Put LaTeX material over included graphics
lroundrect -- LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines
luamesh -- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
luasseq -- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
maker -- Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents
makeshape -- Declare new PGF shapes
mathspic -- A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX
miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement
mkpic -- Perl interface to mfpic
modiagram -- Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
neuralnetwork -- Graph-drawing for neural networks
numericplots -- Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks
pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
petri-nets -- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
pgf -- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
pgf-blur -- PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows
pgf-soroban -- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF
pgf-spectra -- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
pgf-umlcd -- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
pgf-umlsd -- Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
pgfgantt -- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
pgfkeyx -- Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
pgfmolbio -- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
pgfornament -- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
pgfplots -- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs
pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands
pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
pictex2 -- Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command
pinlabel -- A TeX labelling package
pixelart -- A package to draw pixel-art pictures
pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics
prerex -- Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
productbox -- Typeset a three-dimensional product box
pxpgfmark -- e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections
qcircuit -- Macros to generate quantum ciruits
qrcode -- Generate QR codes in LaTeX
randbild -- Marginal pictures
randomwalk -- Random walks using TikZ
reotex -- Draw Reo Channels and Circuits
rviewport -- Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
sa-tikz -- TikZ library to draw switching architectures
schemabloc -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
scsnowman -- Snowman variants using TikZ
scratch -- Draw programs like "scratch"
setdeck -- Typeset cards for Set
signchart -- Create beautifully typeset sign charts
smartdiagram -- Generate diagrams from lists
spath3 -- Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF
spectralsequences -- Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ
swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
table-fct -- Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of
its graph.
texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
ticollege -- Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific
tipfr -- Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ
tikz-3dplot -- Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
tikz-bayesnet -- Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed
factor graphs
tikz-cd -- Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
tikz-dependency -- A library for drawing dependency graphs
tikz-dimline -- Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ
tikz-feynman -- Feynman diagrams with TikZ
tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ
tikz-kalender -- A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ
tikz-karnaugh -- Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ
tikz-opm -- Typeset OPM diagrams
tikz-optics -- A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ
tikz-page -- Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials
tikz-palattice -- Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ
tikz-qtree -- Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ
tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures
tikzcodeblocks -- Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in
tikzducks -- A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ
tikzinclude -- Import TikZ images from colletions
tikzmark -- Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
tikzorbital -- Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ
tikzpagenodes -- A single TikZ node for the whole page
tikzpfeile -- Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
tikzpeople -- Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ
tikzposter -- Create scientific posters using TikZ
tikzscale -- Resize pictures while respecting text size
tikzsymbols -- Some symbols created using TikZ
timing-diagrams -- Draw timing diagrams
tqft -- Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
tkz-base -- Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
tkz-berge -- Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
tkz-doc -- Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
tkz-euclide -- Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
tkz-fct -- Tools for drawing graphs of functions
tkz-graph -- Draw graph-theory graphs
tkz-kiviat -- Draw Kiviat graphs
tkz-linknodes -- Link nodes in mathematical environments
tkz-orm -- Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams
tkz-tab -- Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ
tsemlines -- Support for the ancient \emline macro
tufte-latex -- Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
venndiagram -- Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
visualpstricks -- Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text
xpicture -- Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing
xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros
- Package version:
- 2017.20180110-1
- Status:
- Superseded
- Component:
- universe
- Priority:
- Optional
Downloadable files
- texlive-pictures_2017.20180110-1_all.deb (3.8 MiB)