xmorph (1:20050408) unstable; urgency=low
* save_image chooses the type from extension of image file name
* choose strength of wavelet equalization
* can use keys 0...9 to set point labels, and 'ijkl' to finely move points
(this was present, but did not work with GTK2)
* revised libmorph/README.libmorph
* the GTK1 interface is outdated wrt what gtkmorph now offers with GTK2 :
- the code for using wavelets does not work with GTK1
- the mplayer button is not there
- the button for changing feature colors is not there
- images can only be saved in PPM format
* in movie making : the role of end and start was inverted !
* do not update config.guess and config.sub : it breaks compilation
* when rescaling meshes (when user changes the resulting image size)
the mesh border was used and affected (and this is wrong): added
new function meshScaleFreeformat in libmorph
* when loading meshes in a gtkmorph with different resulting size,
the mesh has wrong size: now resulting image size is saved with the mesh
-- A Mennucc1 <email address hidden> Wed, 6 Apr 2005 15:32:48 +0200