sl-modem (2.9.10+2.9.9d+e-pre2-5build1) dapper; urgency=low
* The weird version number release... this is 2.9.9d+e-pre2-5 from
debian/unstable (closes: lp#31640).
* UVF-exception: closes: lp#46851.
sl-modem (2.9.9d+e-pre2-5) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix for module compilation with 2.6.16, condition around line
drivers/st7554.c:1160 (closes: #358267)
sl-modem (2.9.9d+e-pre2-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* replaced amrmo_init.c with the version from
which has basically the superset of our changes (plus two additional modem
IDs) but zeroes out the class* method calls since they are "protected" by
GPL-enforcing kernel macros now (closes: #354216)
* the above change effectively disables the udev functionality. Send your
complaints to kernel developers if you need it. Or suggest a better
solution. For now, a oneliner in /etc/modprobe.d/sl-modem-daemon.modutils
creates /dev/slamr0.
* workaround to fix device files that got the wrong owner (660 instead of
root) during the major number transition in July 2005
sl-modem (2.9.9d+e-pre2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* changed NAME setting for slusb in udev rules
* fixed slamr class_device_create call (closes: #349305), thanks to
Gasper Zejn et al.
sl-modem (2.9.9d+e-pre2-2) unstable; urgency=low
* added helper module from
to tell the kernel to keep away from unsupported PCI id numbers, installed
with slamr and pre-installed via modprobe.d script
sl-modem (2.9.9d+e-pre2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream pre-release (closes: #327588)
* added sv.po from Daniel Nylander (closes: #330436)
* slmodemd.1 manpage from Erik Schanze (closes: #335369)
* defining URB_ASYNC_UNLINK if not set, needed by recent kernels
* applied patch for class/simple_class transition from Gentoo lists with
some fixes (closes: #325799)
* changed the MODULE_LICENSE string to "Dual BSD/GPL" since the license
is actually a BSD license clone (closes: #327545)
* not including the old hotplug script, merged its code into the init script
and added an udev rules file to run it. Needs real testing with a
Smartlink USB modem which I do not have (closes: #338740)
* disabled the "PCI device grabbing warning" code which caused
OOpses on 2.6.15
sl-modem (2.9.9d-7) unstable; urgency=low
* added alternative debconf-2.0 dependency
added with few modifications though does not solve #325799 yet
* added patch
which AFAICS basically ignores the PCI ID collision caused by the kernel
source bugs #303844 and #322028 (closes: #321061). Should be fixed in the
kernel, though.
-- Stefan Potyra <email address hidden> Sun, 28 May 2006 18:37:09 +0200