Change logs for wlassistant source package in Dapper

  • wlassistant (0.5.5-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low
      * desktop file is dos-encoded, reencoded both desktop file
        and patch which adds entries. (Closes: Malone #38571)
     -- Loic Pefferkorn <email address hidden>   Fri,  7 Apr 2006 09:15:05 +0000
  • wlassistant (0.5.5-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
      * initial release
      [ Anthony Mercatante ]
      * patches/kubuntu_03_fix_interfaces_listing.diff to avoid a little issue
        with interfaces listing on certain configs
      * Added kwifimanager.svg and buildicons script to autobuild png icons
      [ Achim Bohnet ]
      * patches/kubuntu_02_do_not_use_rpath.diff to avoid rpath errors
      * upstream change from auto* to scons build system. Adapted pkging:
        o debian/rules: don't use cdbs', only
      * patches/kubuntu_01_proper_xdg_desktop_file.diff:  wlassistant.desktop
         + add Categories and install in /usr/share/applications/kde/
         + kdesu instead of sudo:  This works without prior configuration
           of sudoers (sf bug# 1323608)
         + use GenericName and it's translations from kwifimanager.desktop
        Now desktop file is shown in K-menu
      * add wlassistant menu file
      [ Stan Vasilyev ]
      * added debian/watch
     -- Anthony Mercatante <email address hidden>   Wed, 15 Mar 2006 22:20:32 +0100