Change logs for turbojson source package in Edgy

  • turbojson (0.9.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * New Python Policy (Closes: #374697)
      - this release also depend on the new-policy-compliant version of
        python-sqlobject (Closes: #374690)
      * debian/python-turbojson.{postinst,prerm}, debian/python-support.version:
      - handled by dh_pysupport now
      * debian/rules:
      - rename the egg-info directory so it doesn't contain the python
    turbojson (0.9.3-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * Initial release (Closes: #367285)
     -- Scott James Remnant <email address hidden>   Wed,  05 Jul 2006 00:15:27 +0100