sbsigntool (0.9.2-2ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- d/p/ubuntu-kernel-module-signing.patch and
d/p/ubuntu-kernel-module-signing-fixes.patch: add the kernel module
signing tool to the package.
- d/p/ubuntu-clear-image-before-use.patch: avoid use of uninitialised
data causing a startup crash.
* Dropped changes, included upstream:
- d/p/ubuntu-handle-odd-buffer-lengths-in-checksum.patch: correctly
handle odd byte length buffers.
* Dropped changes, obsoleted upstream:
- d/p/ubuntu-tests-disable-pie.patch: disable PIE
sbsigntool (0.9.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Change Maintainer to be the EFI team, with Pierre and me as Uploaders
* Remove the old alignment patch, looks to be un-needed now
* Fix PE/COFF checksum calculation - only count the cert_table
struct once when performing the calculation and counting buffer
sbsigntool (0.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add watch file
* New upstream version 0.9.2 (Closes: #920013, #828696)
* Remove test file after clean
* Refreshed quilt patches, and removed all that were merged
* Use priority optional
-- Steve Langasek <email address hidden> Fri, 03 May 2019 16:12:28 -0700