Change logs for ucl source package in Eoan

  • ucl (1.03+repack-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add 05-Fix-double-free.patch from John Reiser to fix memory clobbering
        issue visible in upx (closes: #907426).
      * New 06-Fix-memory-errors.patch to initialize memory in order to get rid
        of memory errors detected by valgrind in a test program included in the
        bug report (closes: #804474).
      * Add 07-Fix-FTBFS-on-x32.patch that hopefully fixes compilation on x32 arch.
      * Bump debhelper's compat version to 11.
      * debian/rules:
        + enable `pie' hardening option;
        + do not use dpkg-parsechangelog (lintian);
        + enable LFS flags (lintian).
      * Document files removed from the upstream tarball in Files-Excluded
        field of debian/copyright (lintian) and update debian/watch for
        automatic creation of the tarball.
      * Add DEP-12 upstream metadata file.
      * debian/control:
        + update Vcs-* fields for salsa migration;
        + use https protocol in the `Homepage' field;
        + set `Rules-Requires-Root' to `no';
        + Standards-Version: 4.2.1.
     -- Robert Luberda <email address hidden>  Sun, 09 Sep 2018 20:57:20 +0200